BlueSky Playground
New Run
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Fire Information
Fire Type
Fire Size (acres)
-8 (PST)
-7 (MST/PDT)
-6 (CST/MDT)
-5 (EST/CDT)
-4 (EDT)
Update Fuels Information based on fire location (optional)
1 - Black cottonwood-Douglas-fir-quaking aspen forest
2 - Western hemlock-western redcedar-Douglas-fir forest
3 - Douglas-fir forest
4 - Douglas-fir/ceanothus forest
5 - Douglas-fir-white fir forest
0 - Bare Ground
1 - Black cottonwood-Douglas-fir-quaking aspen forest
2 - Western hemlock-western redcedar-Douglas-fir forest
3 - Douglas-fir forest
4 - Douglas-fir/ceanothus forest
5 - Douglas-fir-white fir forest
6 - Oregon white oak-Douglas-fir forest
7 - Douglas-fir-sugar pine-tanoak forest
8 - Western hemlock-Douglas-fir-western redcedar/vine maple forest
9 - Douglas-fir-western hemlock-western redcedar/vine maple forest
10 - Western hemlock-Douglas-fir-Sitka spruce forest
11 - Douglas-fir/western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest
12 - Red fir-mountain hemlock-lodgepole pine-western white pine forest
13 - Mountain hemlock-Pacific silver fir forest
14 - California black oak woodland
15 - Jeffrey pine-red fir-white fir/greenleaf-snowbrush forest
16 - Jeffrey pine-ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir-California black oak forest
17 - Red fir forest
18 - Douglas-fir/oceanspray forest
19 - White fir-giant sequoia-sugar pine forest
20 - Western juniper/curl-leaf mountain mahogany woodland
21 - Young lodgepole pine forest
22 - Mature lodgepole pine forest
23 - Mature lodgepole pine forest with bark beetle damage
24 - Pacific ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest
25 - Pinyon-Utah juniper forest
26 - Interior ponderosa pine-limber pine forest
27 - Ponderosa pine-two needle pinyon-Utah juniper forest
28 - Ponderosa pine savanna
29 - Interior ponderosa pine-Engelmann spruce-Douglas-fir forest
30 - Turbinella oak-alderleaf mountain mahogany shrubland
32 - Ponderosa pine/pinyon pine-Utah juniper forest
33 - Gambel oak/big sagebrush shrubland - 20-40 years post wildfire
34 - Interior Douglas-fir-interior ponderosa pine/gambel oak forest
36 - California live oak-blue oak woodland
37 - Ponderosa pine-Jeffrey pine forest
38 - Douglas-fir-madrone-tanoak forest
39 - Sugar pine-Douglas-fir-oak forest
40 - Tobosa-grama grassland invaded by shrubs & annual grasses
41 - Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass grassland
42 - Quaking aspen/Engelmann spruce forest
43 - Arizona white-gray-Emory oak woodland
44 - Scrub oak chaparral shrubland
45 - Madrean pine-oak forest
46 - Chamise chaparral shrubland
47 - Redwood-tanoak forest
48 - Douglas-fir-tanoak-madrone-bay forest
49 - Creosote bush shrubland
51 - Coastal sage shrubland
52 - Douglas-fir-Pacific ponderosa pine/oceanspray forest
53 - Pacific ponderosa pine forest
54 - Douglas-fir-white fir-ponderosa pine forest
55 - Western juniper/sagebrush savanna
56 - Sagebrush shrubland - exotic species
57 - Wheatgrass-cheatgrass grassland
58 - Western juniper/sagebrush savanna - post prescribed burn
59 - Subalpine fir-Engelmann spruce-Douglas-fir-lodgepole pine forest
60 - Sagebrush shrubland - post prescribed burn
61 - Whitebark pine/subalpine fir forest
62 - Huckleberry-heather shrublands - 7 years post wildfire
63 - Showy sedge-alpine black sedge grassland
65 - Tussock grass-oatgrass grassland
66 - Bluebunch wheatgrass-bluegrass grassland
67 - Interior ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest
69 - Western juniper/sagebrush-bitterbrush shrubland
70 - Subalpine fir-lodgepole pine-whitebark pine-Engelmann spruce forest
71 - Ohia/Florida hopbush-kupaoa forest
72 - Ohia/uluhe forest
73 - Koa/pukiawe forest
74 - Mamani-naio savanna
75 - Slash pine/New Caledonia pine forest
76 - Slash pine/molasses grass forest
77 - Eucalyptus plantation forest
78 - Florida hopbush-Mauna Loa beggarticks shrubland
79 - Pili grass-broomsedge bluestem grassland
80 - Fountain grass grassland
81 - Pukiawe/Columbia bluestem grassland
82 - White leadtree/Guinea grass shrubland
83 - Molasses grass grassland - invaded by exotic species
84 - Ohia/Broomsedge bluestem savanna - invaded by exotic species
85 - Black spruce/lichen forest
86 - Black spruce/feathermoss woodland
87 - Black spruce/feathermoss forest
88 - Black spruce/sphagnum moss forest
89 - Black spruce/cottonsedge woodland
90 - White oak-northern red oak forest
91 - White spruce/prickly rose forest
92 - Quaking aspen-paper birch-white spruce-black spruce forest
93 - Paper birch-quaking aspen forest
94 - Balsam poplar-quaking aspen forest
95 - Willow-mountain alder shrubland
97 - Cottongrass grassland
98 - Marsh labrador tea-lingonberry tundra shrubland
99 - Bluejoint reedgrass grassland
100 - Altai fescue grassland
101 - White spruce forest
102 - White spruce forest with beetle damage
103 - White spruce-paper birch forest
104 - White spruce-paper birch forest with beetle damage
105 - Paper birch-quaking aspen-white spruce forest
106 - Red spruce-balsam fir forest - post windthrow
107 - Pitch pine/scrub oak forest
109 - Eastern white pine-northern red oak-red maple forest
110 - American beech-yellow birch-sugar maple forest
114 - Virginia pine-pitch pine-shortleaf pine forest
115 - Rhododendron-blueberry-mountain laurel shrubland
120 - Oak-pine/mountain laurel forest
121 - Oak-pine/mountain laurel forest with beetle damage
123 - White oak-northern red oak-black oak-hickory forest
124 - Pitch pine-oak forest
125 - Oak-hickory-pine-eastern hemlock forest
129 - Green ash-American elm forest
131 - Bluestem-Indian grass-switchgrass grassland
133 - Tall fescue-foxtail-purple bluestem grassland
134 - White oak-northern red oak-hickory forest
135 - Eastern redcedar-oak/bluestem savanna
138 - Red pine-eastern white pine forest
140 - Jack pine/black spruce forest
142 - Quaking aspen-paper birch forest
143 - Quaking aspen-paper birch-white spruce-balsam fir forest
146 - Mature jack pine forest
147 - Jack pine savanna
148 - Young jack pine forest
152 - Red pine-white pine forest - spruce budworm
154 - Bur oak savanna
155 - Red spruce-balsam fir forest
156 - Slash pine plantation forest
157 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine-mixed hardwood forest
158 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine-mixed hardwood forest with beetle damage
161 - Loblolly-slash pine plantation
162 - Loblolly-slash pine plantation - post thin
164 - Sand pine forest
165 - Longleaf pine/three-awned grass-pitcher plant savanna - managed with prescribed fire
166 - Longleaf pine/three-awned grass-pitcher plant savanna - fire exclusion
168 - Gallberry-fetterbush shrubland
170 - Pond pine/gallberry-fetterbush shrubland
173 - Live oak/sea oats savanna
174 - Live oak-sabal palm forest
175 - Smooth cordgrass-black needlerush grassland
176 - Smooth cordgrass-black needlerush grassland invaded by common reed
178 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine forest - 10-15 years post clearcut
180 - Red maple-oak-hickory-sweetgum forest
181 - Pond pine forest
182 - Longleaf pine-slash pine/saw palmetto-gallberry forest - fire exclusion
183 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine forest - precommercial thin
184 - Longleaf pine/turkey oak forest 20 yr postfire
185 - Longleaf pine/turkey oak forest 1-2 yr postfire
186 - Turkey oak-bluejack oak forest
187 - Longleaf pine/yaupon forest
188 - Sand pine-oak forest
189 - Sand pine-oak forest with sparse understory
190 - Slash pine-longleaf pine/gallberry forest
191 - Longleaf pine-slash pine/gallberry forest - managed with prescribed fire
196 - Loblolly pine/bluestem forest
203 - Sawgrass-Muhlenbergia grassland
208 - Grand fir-Douglas-fir forest
210 - Pinyon-Utah juniper woodland
211 - Ponderosa pine forest - high density
212 - Ponderosa pine forest - post thin
213 - Wheatgrass-cheatgrass grassland - post prescribed burn
214 - Giant sequoia-white fir-sugar pine forest
215 - Douglas-fir-madrone/tanoak forest
216 - Gambel oak-bigtooth maple forest
217 - Gambel oak-bigtooth maple forest - post prescribed burn
218 - Gambel oak/big sagebrush shrubland
219 - Ponderosa pine-white fir/quaking aspen forest
220 - Ponderosa pine-white fir/quaking aspen forest - post prescribed burn
221 - Wheatgrass-ryegrass grassland
222 - Interior ponderosa pine forest
223 - Douglas-fir-white fir-interior ponderosa pine forest - post wildfire
224 - Quaking aspen forest
225 - Quaking aspen forest - post prescribed burn
226 - White fir-gambel oak forest
227 - White fir forest
228 - Interior ponderosa pine-limber pine forest
229 - Ponderosa pine/Utah juniper forest
230 - Pinyon-Utah juniper forest - post prescribed burn
231 - Gambel oak-Rocky Mountain juniper-ponderosa pine forest
232 - Mesquite savanna
233 - Sagebrush shrubland
234 - Sagebrush shrubland - post prescribed burn
235 - Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass grassland - postfire
236 - Tobosa-grama grassland
237 - Huckleberry-heather shrubland
238 - Pacific silver fir-mountain hemlock forest
239 - Douglas-fir-sugar pine-tanoak forest - 6 years post wildfire
240 - Saw palmetto/three-awned grass shrubland
241 - Longleaf-loblolly pine forest with hurricane damage
242 - Longleaf-loblolly pine forest with hurricane damage - post prescribed burn
243 - Pitch pine/scrub oak shrubland
260 - Ohia/uluhe forest - 5 years post wildfire
261 - Pili grass-broomsedge bluestem grassland - 5 years post wildfire
262 - Molasses grass grassland - 5 years post prescribed fire
263 - Ohia/broomsedge bluestem savanna - 5 years post prescribed burn
264 - Post-blackjack oak forest
265 - Balsam fir-white spruce-mixed hardwood forest
266 - Sugar maple-basswood forest
267 - American beech-yellow birch-sugar maple-red spruce forest
268 - American beech-yellow birch-sugar maple-eastern hemlock forest
269 - Sugar maple-yellow poplar-American beech-oak forest
270 - Red spruce-Fraser fir/rhododendron forest
272 - Mangrove forest
273 - Engelmann spruce-Douglas-fir-white fir-ponderosa pine forest
274 - American beech-sugar maple forest
275 - Chestnut-white-northern red oak forest
276 - Oak-pine-magnolia forest
279 - Black spruce-northern white cedar-larch forest
280 - Bluestem-Gulf cordgrass grassland
281 - Shortleaf pine-post oak-black oak forest
282 - Loblolly pine forest
283 - Willow-laurel-water oak forest
284 - Green ash-American elm-silver maple-cottonwood forest
286 - Limber pine-ponderosa pine forest
287 - Eastern white pine-eastern hemlock forest
288 - Bald cypress-water tupelo forest
289 - Pond cypress/muhly-sawgrass savanna
291 - Longleaf-slash pine/saw palmetto forest
301 - Fremont cottonwood-California sycamore forest
302 - Willow/sedge grassland
303 - Cottonwood/willow savanna
304 - Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/horsetail forest
305 - Red alder forest
306 - Knobcone pine forest
307 - Paloverde shrubland
308 - Low sagebrush shrubland
309 - Blackbrush shrubland
310 - Greasewood shrubland
311 - Saltbush shrubland
312 - Gambel oak/sagebrush shrubland
313 - Mountain mahogany shrubland
314 - Limber pine-bristlecone pine forest
315 - Showy sedge-black alpine sedge grassland
316 - Coyotebush-ceanothus shrubland
317 - Bigtooth maple forest
318 - Bluejoint reedgrass-water sedge grassland
319 - Pacific silver fir-Sitka alder forest
320 - Western larch forest
321 - Western hemlock-Alaska cedar forest
322 - Sitka spruce-western hemlock forest
323 - Quaking aspen/sagebrush boreal woodland
324 - White spruce woodland
325 - White spruce-mountain hemlock forest
326 - Willow- birch shrubland
327 - Marsh Labrador tea/cottongrass grassland
328 - Hemlock / sedge-cottongrass savanna
329 - Mountain heath tundra shrubland
330 - American dunegrass grassland
331 - Sitka alder-salmonberry shrubland
332 - Balsam poplar-paper birch forest
333 - Dryas tundra shrubland
334 - Mountain heather tundra shrubland
335 - Sweetgale shrubland
336 - Lyngbye's sedge-alkaligrass grassland
337 - Softstem bulrush-needle spikerush grassland
338 - Water sedge-tall cottongrass grassland
339 - Nootka lupine-sedge grassland
340 - Pacific maritime dwarf shrub wetland
341 - Arctic tussock tundra shrubland
342 - Hawai'i bog shrubland
343 - Hawai'i wet cliff shrubland
344 - Montane-subalpine dry grassland
345 - Hawai'i montane-subalpine mesic grassland
346 - Hawai'i alpine dwarf shrubland
347 - Hawai'i dry cliff shrubland
348 - Hawai'i dry coastal strand shrubland
349 - Hawai'i subalpine mesic shrubland
350 - Balsam poplar-white spruce forest
351 - Ericaceous bog shrubland
352 - Desert sparse shrubland
353 - Semi-desert grassland and steppe
354 - Havard oak shrubland
355 - Hemlock-Alaska cedar / blueberry forest
356 - Black spruce-tamarack/sphagnum moss forest
357 - Balsam poplar-black cottonwood forest
358 - Alder and willow tall swamp shrubland
359 - Arctic sedge tussock lichen tundra shrubland
360 - Oregon white oak forest
361 - Oregon white oak -- ponderosa pine forest
401 - Holly-privet shrubland
402 - Pine/holly-privet forest
403 - Post-blackjack-white oak forest
404 - Yellow poplar-sugar maple-basswood forest
405 - Northern red oak montane forest
406 - American beech-southern magnolia-oak forest
407 - Darlington oak forest
408 - Quaking aspen-bur oak forest
409 - Virginia pine-chestnut oak/little bluestem forest
410 - Table Mountain pine-chestnut oak forest
411 - Ashe juniper-oak savanna
412 - Dwarf bilberry-bog blueberry shrubland
413 - Pin oak/bluestem forest
414 - Eastern redcedar/big bluestem savanna
415 - Bluestem-forb grassland
416 - Chinkapin oak-eastern redcedar/bluestem savanna
417 - Little bluestem-blackseed speargrass grassland
418 - White spruce/juniper/little bluestem savanna
419 - Blackjack oak-post oak/bluestem savanna
420 - Big bluestem-bluejoint grassland
421 - Chinkapin oak-bur oak/giant cane forest
422 - Post oak-shortleaf pine/bluestem-Indiangrass savanna
423 - Oak/bluestem-Indiangrass savanna
424 - Pondcypress/dahoon holly/sedge forest
425 - Swamp tupelo-sweetbay magnolia forest
426 - Sugarberry/acacia forest
427 - Red spruce-northern white cedar-tamarack forest
428 - Melaleuca forest
429 - Black locust forest
430 - White oak-southern red oak forest
431 - Chinkapin oak-Shumard oak forest
432 - Florida poisontree-West Indian mahogany forest
433 - Pine-oak/American beachgrass savanna
434 - Post oak-southern red oak/little bluestem-Indiangrass forest
435 - Little bluestem-buffalograss grassland
436 - Shore little bluestem-paspalum grassland
437 - Saltmeadow cordgrass-switchgrass grassland
438 - Pondcypress/pond apple forest
439 - Pondcypress/swamp titi/maidencane savanna
440 - Pondcypress-cabbage palm-strangler fig forest
441 - Red maple-black ash/common winterberry forest
442 - Bulrush grassland
443 - Prairie cordgrass-bluejoint grassland
445 - Woollyfruit sedge-yellow sedge grassland
448 - Bald cypress-tupelo/swamp titi forest
449 - Pin oak-white oak/buttonbush forest
450 - Oak-Ashe juniper forest
451 - Texas live oak/roughleaf dogwood forest
453 - Bluestem-tall fescue-switchgrass grassland
454 - American beech-maple/American red raspberry forest
455 - Red pine forest
456 - Chinese tallow forest
457 - Florida strangler fig-gumbo limbo-cabbage palm forest
458 - Berlandier's fiddlewood-Texas ebony shrubland
459 - Northern oak forest
460 - Northern pine-oak forest
461 - Post oak-black oak forest
462 - Spruce-hardwood barrens
463 - Willow oak-water oak forest
464 - Loblolly pine-willow oak forest
465 - Post oak-southern red oak-loblolly pine forest
466 - Loblolly pine-post oak-southern red oak forest
467 - Northern and Central native ruderal forest
468 - Edwards Plateau floodplain terrace
469 - Northern and central ruderal wet meadow and marsh
470 - Southeastern native ruderal forest
471 - Ouachita novaculite glade and woodland
472 - Laurentian acidic rocky outcrop
473 - Texas plains xeric sandyland
474 - Acadian sub-boreal spruce flat
475 - Southern Coastal Plain herbaceous seep
476 - West Gulf Coastal Plain herbaceous seep and bog
477 - Central Florida wet prairie and herbaceous seep
478 - South Florida pine rockland
479 - Pacific Islands palm forest
480 - Hawai'i introduced wetland vegetation
481 - Caribbean Pterocarpus swamp
482 - South Florida dwarf cypress savanna
483 - Southern Vancouverian lowland ruderal grassland & shrubland
484 - Tamaulipan Saline Thornscrub
485 - Hawai'i introduced evergreen shrubland
486 - Northern Atlantic coastal plain calcareous ravine
487 - Semi-desert coastal scrub shrubland
488 - Atlantic coastal plain northern bog
489 - Interior West ruderal riparian scrub
490 - West gulf coastal plain flatwoods pond grassland
491 - East gulf coastal plain depression pondshore
492 - Southeastern coastal plain interdunal wetland
493 - Temperate Pacific freshwater emergent marsh
494 - Inter-mountain basins alkaline closed depression
495 - Caribbean emergent wetlands
496 - Western larch savanna
497 - North Pacific maritime coastal sand dune ruderal scrub & herb vegetation
498 - Interior western North American temperate ruderal grassland & shrubland
499 - Tamaulipan depression woodland
500 - Shrub steppe of the Llano Estacado escarpment
501 - Yellow poplar ruderal swamp forest
502 - Cumberland sandstone glade and barrens
503 - Panhandle Florida limestone glade
504 - Laurentian-Acadian calcareous rocky outcrop
505 - Northern Appalachian-Acadian rocky heath outcrop
506 - Idaho fescue-California oatgrass grassland
507 - North-central interior quartzite glade
508 - Southern and Central Appalachian mafic glade and barrens
509 - Southern Ridge and Valley calcareous glade and woodland
511 - Use this one: Southeastern coastal plain natural lakeshore
512 - Texas-Louisiana coastal prairie pondshore
513 - Southwest Florida dune and coastal grassland
514 - Pacific coastal dunes grassland
516 - Great lakes dune
517 - Caribbean coastal beach systems
518 - Northern and Central plains ruderal grassland and shrubland
519 - Southeastern ruderal grassland
520 - Caribbean drought deciduous dense woodland
521 - Caribbean semi-deciduous and drought deciduous forest on alluvium
522 - Caribbean seasonal evergreen and semi-deciduous forest on karst
523 - Caribbean seasonal evergreen and evergreen forest
524 - Caribbean evergreen and seasonal evergreen forest on karst
525 - Caribbean evergreen forest on serpentine
526 - Caribbean seasonal evergreen forest with coconut palm
527 - Pacific Islands ravine forest
528 - Great Basin & Intermountain ruderal shrubland
529 - Great Basin & Intermountain Introduced Annual and Biennial Forbland
530 - Temperate Pacific subalpine-montane wet meadow
531 - Rocky Mountain alpine-montane wet meadow
532 - Western ruderal marsh or wet meadow
533 - California ruderal grassland meadow
534 - Pacific islands savanna
535 - Northwestern Great Plains canyon shrubland
538 - Pacific Islands limestone forest
540 - Mesquite scrub with invasive grasses
542 - Colorado Plateau pinyon-juniper shrubland
1201 - Corn field - post harvest
1202 - Cotton field - post harvest
1203 - Rice field - post harvest
1205 - Soybean field - post harvest
1206 - Corn field - growing season
1207 - Cotton field - growing season
1208 - Rice field - growing season
1209 - Soybean field - growing season
1223 - Wheat field - post harvest
1224 - Wheat field - growing season
1225 - Small grains (other) field - post harvest
1226 - Small grains (other) field - growing season
1227 - Sugarbeet field - growing season
1228 - Bean field - growing season
1229 - Potato field - growing season
1230 - Other crop fields - growing season
1231 - Sugarcane field - post harvest
1232 - Miscellaneous vegetable or fruit field - growing season
1241 - Sugarbeet field - post harvest
1242 - Bean field - post harvest
1243 - Potato field - post harvest
1244 - Other crop fields - post harvest
1245 - Sugarcane field - growing season
1247 - Miscellaneous vegetable or fruit field - post harvest
1252 - Lentil field - post harvest
1253 - Lentil field - growing season
1260 - Biofuel field - post harvest
1261 - Fallow field - growing season
1262 - Pasture or grass field - grazed or mown
1263 - Biofuel field - growing season
1264 - Pasture or grass field - ungrazed or unmown
1271 - Tree nut field - no inter-row groundcover
1272 - Tree nut field - with inter-row groundcover
1273 - Tree fruit field - no inter-row groundcover
1274 - Tree fruit field - with inter-row groundcover
1280 - Bluegrass or grass seed field - post harvest or mown
1281 - Pasture, hay, or alfalfa field - grazed or harvested
1282 - Bluegrass or grass seed field - unmown or unharvested
1283 - Pasture, hay, or alfalfa field - ungrazed or unharvested
1290 - Winter wheat and corn (double crop) field
1291 - Wheat and soybean (double crop) field
1292 - Other grain and corn (double crop) field
1293 - Lettuce and durum wheat (double crop) field
1294 - Lettuce and upland cotton (double crop) field
1295 - Wheat and sorghum (double crop) field
1296 - Wheat and cotton (double crop) field
1297 - Soybean and cotton (double crop) field
1298 - Soybean and other grain (double crop) field
1299 - Corn and soybean (double crop) field
Reset from Map
Fuel Type
Length of Ignition
Harvest Within Last 3 Months
Loading (tons/acre)
Tree crowns
Loading (tons/acre)
Class 1 snags (with foliage)
Snags / ladder fuels
Loading (tons/acre)
Class 1 snags (no foliage) - wood
Class 1 snags (with foliage) - wood
Class 2 snags - wood
Class 3 snags - wood
Ladder fuels
Loading (tons/acre)
% Live
Needle Drape
Sound wood
Loading (tons/acre)
Litter-Lichen Moss
Loading (tons/acre)
Depth (inches)
Ground lichen
Rotten wood
Loading (tons/acre)
Ground fuels
Loading (tons/acre)
Depth (inches)
Upper duff
Lower duff
Basal accumulation
Squirrel middens
Loading (tons/acre)
0 - Bare Ground
1 - Black cottonwood-Douglas-fir-quaking aspen forest
2 - Western hemlock-western redcedar-Douglas-fir forest
3 - Douglas-fir forest
4 - Douglas-fir/ceanothus forest
5 - Douglas-fir-white fir forest
6 - Oregon white oak-Douglas-fir forest
7 - Douglas-fir-sugar pine-tanoak forest
8 - Western hemlock-Douglas-fir-western redcedar/vine maple forest
9 - Douglas-fir-western hemlock-western redcedar/vine maple forest
10 - Western hemlock-Douglas-fir-Sitka spruce forest
11 - Douglas-fir/western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest
12 - Red fir-mountain hemlock-lodgepole pine-western white pine forest
13 - Mountain hemlock-Pacific silver fir forest
14 - California black oak woodland
15 - Jeffrey pine-red fir-white fir/greenleaf-snowbrush forest
16 - Jeffrey pine-ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir-California black oak forest
17 - Red fir forest
18 - Douglas-fir/oceanspray forest
19 - White fir-giant sequoia-sugar pine forest
20 - Western juniper/curl-leaf mountain mahogany woodland
21 - Young lodgepole pine forest
22 - Mature lodgepole pine forest
23 - Mature lodgepole pine forest with bark beetle damage
24 - Pacific ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest
25 - Pinyon-Utah juniper forest
26 - Interior ponderosa pine-limber pine forest
27 - Ponderosa pine-two needle pinyon-Utah juniper forest
28 - Ponderosa pine savanna
29 - Interior ponderosa pine-Engelmann spruce-Douglas-fir forest
30 - Turbinella oak-alderleaf mountain mahogany shrubland
32 - Ponderosa pine/pinyon pine-Utah juniper forest
33 - Gambel oak/big sagebrush shrubland - 20-40 years post wildfire
34 - Interior Douglas-fir-interior ponderosa pine/gambel oak forest
36 - California live oak-blue oak woodland
37 - Ponderosa pine-Jeffrey pine forest
38 - Douglas-fir-madrone-tanoak forest
39 - Sugar pine-Douglas-fir-oak forest
40 - Tobosa-grama grassland invaded by shrubs & annual grasses
41 - Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass grassland
42 - Quaking aspen/Engelmann spruce forest
43 - Arizona white-gray-Emory oak woodland
44 - Scrub oak chaparral shrubland
45 - Madrean pine-oak forest
46 - Chamise chaparral shrubland
47 - Redwood-tanoak forest
48 - Douglas-fir-tanoak-madrone-bay forest
49 - Creosote bush shrubland
51 - Coastal sage shrubland
52 - Douglas-fir-Pacific ponderosa pine/oceanspray forest
53 - Pacific ponderosa pine forest
54 - Douglas-fir-white fir-ponderosa pine forest
55 - Western juniper/sagebrush savanna
56 - Sagebrush shrubland - exotic species
57 - Wheatgrass-cheatgrass grassland
58 - Western juniper/sagebrush savanna - post prescribed burn
59 - Subalpine fir-Engelmann spruce-Douglas-fir-lodgepole pine forest
60 - Sagebrush shrubland - post prescribed burn
61 - Whitebark pine/subalpine fir forest
62 - Huckleberry-heather shrublands - 7 years post wildfire
63 - Showy sedge-alpine black sedge grassland
65 - Tussock grass-oatgrass grassland
66 - Bluebunch wheatgrass-bluegrass grassland
67 - Interior ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest
69 - Western juniper/sagebrush-bitterbrush shrubland
70 - Subalpine fir-lodgepole pine-whitebark pine-Engelmann spruce forest
71 - Ohia/Florida hopbush-kupaoa forest
72 - Ohia/uluhe forest
73 - Koa/pukiawe forest
74 - Mamani-naio savanna
75 - Slash pine/New Caledonia pine forest
76 - Slash pine/molasses grass forest
77 - Eucalyptus plantation forest
78 - Florida hopbush-Mauna Loa beggarticks shrubland
79 - Pili grass-broomsedge bluestem grassland
80 - Fountain grass grassland
81 - Pukiawe/Columbia bluestem grassland
82 - White leadtree/Guinea grass shrubland
83 - Molasses grass grassland - invaded by exotic species
84 - Ohia/Broomsedge bluestem savanna - invaded by exotic species
85 - Black spruce/lichen forest
86 - Black spruce/feathermoss woodland
87 - Black spruce/feathermoss forest
88 - Black spruce/sphagnum moss forest
89 - Black spruce/cottonsedge woodland
90 - White oak-northern red oak forest
91 - White spruce/prickly rose forest
92 - Quaking aspen-paper birch-white spruce-black spruce forest
93 - Paper birch-quaking aspen forest
94 - Balsam poplar-quaking aspen forest
95 - Willow-mountain alder shrubland
97 - Cottongrass grassland
98 - Marsh labrador tea-lingonberry tundra shrubland
99 - Bluejoint reedgrass grassland
100 - Altai fescue grassland
101 - White spruce forest
102 - White spruce forest with beetle damage
103 - White spruce-paper birch forest
104 - White spruce-paper birch forest with beetle damage
105 - Paper birch-quaking aspen-white spruce forest
106 - Red spruce-balsam fir forest - post windthrow
107 - Pitch pine/scrub oak forest
109 - Eastern white pine-northern red oak-red maple forest
110 - American beech-yellow birch-sugar maple forest
114 - Virginia pine-pitch pine-shortleaf pine forest
115 - Rhododendron-blueberry-mountain laurel shrubland
120 - Oak-pine/mountain laurel forest
121 - Oak-pine/mountain laurel forest with beetle damage
123 - White oak-northern red oak-black oak-hickory forest
124 - Pitch pine-oak forest
125 - Oak-hickory-pine-eastern hemlock forest
129 - Green ash-American elm forest
131 - Bluestem-Indian grass-switchgrass grassland
133 - Tall fescue-foxtail-purple bluestem grassland
134 - White oak-northern red oak-hickory forest
135 - Eastern redcedar-oak/bluestem savanna
138 - Red pine-eastern white pine forest
140 - Jack pine/black spruce forest
142 - Quaking aspen-paper birch forest
143 - Quaking aspen-paper birch-white spruce-balsam fir forest
146 - Mature jack pine forest
147 - Jack pine savanna
148 - Young jack pine forest
152 - Red pine-white pine forest - spruce budworm
154 - Bur oak savanna
155 - Red spruce-balsam fir forest
156 - Slash pine plantation forest
157 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine-mixed hardwood forest
158 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine-mixed hardwood forest with beetle damage
161 - Loblolly-slash pine plantation
162 - Loblolly-slash pine plantation - post thin
164 - Sand pine forest
165 - Longleaf pine/three-awned grass-pitcher plant savanna - managed with prescribed fire
166 - Longleaf pine/three-awned grass-pitcher plant savanna - fire exclusion
168 - Gallberry-fetterbush shrubland
170 - Pond pine/gallberry-fetterbush shrubland
173 - Live oak/sea oats savanna
174 - Live oak-sabal palm forest
175 - Smooth cordgrass-black needlerush grassland
176 - Smooth cordgrass-black needlerush grassland invaded by common reed
178 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine forest - 10-15 years post clearcut
180 - Red maple-oak-hickory-sweetgum forest
181 - Pond pine forest
182 - Longleaf pine-slash pine/saw palmetto-gallberry forest - fire exclusion
183 - Loblolly-shortleaf pine forest - precommercial thin
184 - Longleaf pine/turkey oak forest 20 yr postfire
185 - Longleaf pine/turkey oak forest 1-2 yr postfire
186 - Turkey oak-bluejack oak forest
187 - Longleaf pine/yaupon forest
188 - Sand pine-oak forest
189 - Sand pine-oak forest with sparse understory
190 - Slash pine-longleaf pine/gallberry forest
191 - Longleaf pine-slash pine/gallberry forest - managed with prescribed fire
196 - Loblolly pine/bluestem forest
203 - Sawgrass-Muhlenbergia grassland
208 - Grand fir-Douglas-fir forest
210 - Pinyon-Utah juniper woodland
211 - Ponderosa pine forest - high density
212 - Ponderosa pine forest - post thin
213 - Wheatgrass-cheatgrass grassland - post prescribed burn
214 - Giant sequoia-white fir-sugar pine forest
215 - Douglas-fir-madrone/tanoak forest
216 - Gambel oak-bigtooth maple forest
217 - Gambel oak-bigtooth maple forest - post prescribed burn
218 - Gambel oak/big sagebrush shrubland
219 - Ponderosa pine-white fir/quaking aspen forest
220 - Ponderosa pine-white fir/quaking aspen forest - post prescribed burn
221 - Wheatgrass-ryegrass grassland
222 - Interior ponderosa pine forest
223 - Douglas-fir-white fir-interior ponderosa pine forest - post wildfire
224 - Quaking aspen forest
225 - Quaking aspen forest - post prescribed burn
226 - White fir-gambel oak forest
227 - White fir forest
228 - Interior ponderosa pine-limber pine forest
229 - Ponderosa pine/Utah juniper forest
230 - Pinyon-Utah juniper forest - post prescribed burn
231 - Gambel oak-Rocky Mountain juniper-ponderosa pine forest
232 - Mesquite savanna
233 - Sagebrush shrubland
234 - Sagebrush shrubland - post prescribed burn
235 - Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass grassland - postfire
236 - Tobosa-grama grassland
237 - Huckleberry-heather shrubland
238 - Pacific silver fir-mountain hemlock forest
239 - Douglas-fir-sugar pine-tanoak forest - 6 years post wildfire
240 - Saw palmetto/three-awned grass shrubland
241 - Longleaf-loblolly pine forest with hurricane damage
242 - Longleaf-loblolly pine forest with hurricane damage - post prescribed burn
243 - Pitch pine/scrub oak shrubland
260 - Ohia/uluhe forest - 5 years post wildfire
261 - Pili grass-broomsedge bluestem grassland - 5 years post wildfire
262 - Molasses grass grassland - 5 years post prescribed fire
263 - Ohia/broomsedge bluestem savanna - 5 years post prescribed burn
264 - Post-blackjack oak forest
265 - Balsam fir-white spruce-mixed hardwood forest
266 - Sugar maple-basswood forest
267 - American beech-yellow birch-sugar maple-red spruce forest
268 - American beech-yellow birch-sugar maple-eastern hemlock forest
269 - Sugar maple-yellow poplar-American beech-oak forest
270 - Red spruce-Fraser fir/rhododendron forest
272 - Mangrove forest
273 - Engelmann spruce-Douglas-fir-white fir-ponderosa pine forest
274 - American beech-sugar maple forest
275 - Chestnut-white-northern red oak forest
276 - Oak-pine-magnolia forest
279 - Black spruce-northern white cedar-larch forest
280 - Bluestem-Gulf cordgrass grassland
281 - Shortleaf pine-post oak-black oak forest
282 - Loblolly pine forest
283 - Willow-laurel-water oak forest
284 - Green ash-American elm-silver maple-cottonwood forest
286 - Limber pine-ponderosa pine forest
287 - Eastern white pine-eastern hemlock forest
288 - Bald cypress-water tupelo forest
289 - Pond cypress/muhly-sawgrass savanna
291 - Longleaf-slash pine/saw palmetto forest
301 - Fremont cottonwood-California sycamore forest
302 - Willow/sedge grassland
303 - Cottonwood/willow savanna
304 - Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/horsetail forest
305 - Red alder forest
306 - Knobcone pine forest
307 - Paloverde shrubland
308 - Low sagebrush shrubland
309 - Blackbrush shrubland
310 - Greasewood shrubland
311 - Saltbush shrubland
312 - Gambel oak/sagebrush shrubland
313 - Mountain mahogany shrubland
314 - Limber pine-bristlecone pine forest
315 - Showy sedge-black alpine sedge grassland
316 - Coyotebush-ceanothus shrubland
317 - Bigtooth maple forest
318 - Bluejoint reedgrass-water sedge grassland
319 - Pacific silver fir-Sitka alder forest
320 - Western larch forest
321 - Western hemlock-Alaska cedar forest
322 - Sitka spruce-western hemlock forest
323 - Quaking aspen/sagebrush boreal woodland
324 - White spruce woodland
325 - White spruce-mountain hemlock forest
326 - Willow- birch shrubland
327 - Marsh Labrador tea/cottongrass grassland
328 - Hemlock / sedge-cottongrass savanna
329 - Mountain heath tundra shrubland
330 - American dunegrass grassland
331 - Sitka alder-salmonberry shrubland
332 - Balsam poplar-paper birch forest
333 - Dryas tundra shrubland
334 - Mountain heather tundra shrubland
335 - Sweetgale shrubland
336 - Lyngbye's sedge-alkaligrass grassland
337 - Softstem bulrush-needle spikerush grassland
338 - Water sedge-tall cottongrass grassland
339 - Nootka lupine-sedge grassland
340 - Pacific maritime dwarf shrub wetland
341 - Arctic tussock tundra shrubland
342 - Hawai'i bog shrubland
343 - Hawai'i wet cliff shrubland
344 - Montane-subalpine dry grassland
345 - Hawai'i montane-subalpine mesic grassland
346 - Hawai'i alpine dwarf shrubland
347 - Hawai'i dry cliff shrubland
348 - Hawai'i dry coastal strand shrubland
349 - Hawai'i subalpine mesic shrubland
350 - Balsam poplar-white spruce forest
351 - Ericaceous bog shrubland
352 - Desert sparse shrubland
353 - Semi-desert grassland and steppe
354 - Havard oak shrubland
355 - Hemlock-Alaska cedar / blueberry forest
356 - Black spruce-tamarack/sphagnum moss forest
357 - Balsam poplar-black cottonwood forest
358 - Alder and willow tall swamp shrubland
359 - Arctic sedge tussock lichen tundra shrubland
360 - Oregon white oak forest
361 - Oregon white oak -- ponderosa pine forest
401 - Holly-privet shrubland
402 - Pine/holly-privet forest
403 - Post-blackjack-white oak forest
404 - Yellow poplar-sugar maple-basswood forest
405 - Northern red oak montane forest
406 - American beech-southern magnolia-oak forest
407 - Darlington oak forest
408 - Quaking aspen-bur oak forest
409 - Virginia pine-chestnut oak/little bluestem forest
410 - Table Mountain pine-chestnut oak forest
411 - Ashe juniper-oak savanna
412 - Dwarf bilberry-bog blueberry shrubland
413 - Pin oak/bluestem forest
414 - Eastern redcedar/big bluestem savanna
415 - Bluestem-forb grassland
416 - Chinkapin oak-eastern redcedar/bluestem savanna
417 - Little bluestem-blackseed speargrass grassland
418 - White spruce/juniper/little bluestem savanna
419 - Blackjack oak-post oak/bluestem savanna
420 - Big bluestem-bluejoint grassland
421 - Chinkapin oak-bur oak/giant cane forest
422 - Post oak-shortleaf pine/bluestem-Indiangrass savanna
423 - Oak/bluestem-Indiangrass savanna
424 - Pondcypress/dahoon holly/sedge forest
425 - Swamp tupelo-sweetbay magnolia forest
426 - Sugarberry/acacia forest
427 - Red spruce-northern white cedar-tamarack forest
428 - Melaleuca forest
429 - Black locust forest
430 - White oak-southern red oak forest
431 - Chinkapin oak-Shumard oak forest
432 - Florida poisontree-West Indian mahogany forest
433 - Pine-oak/American beachgrass savanna
434 - Post oak-southern red oak/little bluestem-Indiangrass forest
435 - Little bluestem-buffalograss grassland
436 - Shore little bluestem-paspalum grassland
437 - Saltmeadow cordgrass-switchgrass grassland
438 - Pondcypress/pond apple forest
439 - Pondcypress/swamp titi/maidencane savanna
440 - Pondcypress-cabbage palm-strangler fig forest
441 - Red maple-black ash/common winterberry forest
442 - Bulrush grassland
443 - Prairie cordgrass-bluejoint grassland
445 - Woollyfruit sedge-yellow sedge grassland
448 - Bald cypress-tupelo/swamp titi forest
449 - Pin oak-white oak/buttonbush forest
450 - Oak-Ashe juniper forest
451 - Texas live oak/roughleaf dogwood forest
453 - Bluestem-tall fescue-switchgrass grassland
454 - American beech-maple/American red raspberry forest
455 - Red pine forest
456 - Chinese tallow forest
457 - Florida strangler fig-gumbo limbo-cabbage palm forest
458 - Berlandier's fiddlewood-Texas ebony shrubland
459 - Northern oak forest
460 - Northern pine-oak forest
461 - Post oak-black oak forest
462 - Spruce-hardwood barrens
463 - Willow oak-water oak forest
464 - Loblolly pine-willow oak forest
465 - Post oak-southern red oak-loblolly pine forest
466 - Loblolly pine-post oak-southern red oak forest
467 - Northern and Central native ruderal forest
468 - Edwards Plateau floodplain terrace
469 - Northern and central ruderal wet meadow and marsh
470 - Southeastern native ruderal forest
471 - Ouachita novaculite glade and woodland
472 - Laurentian acidic rocky outcrop
473 - Texas plains xeric sandyland
474 - Acadian sub-boreal spruce flat
475 - Southern Coastal Plain herbaceous seep
476 - West Gulf Coastal Plain herbaceous seep and bog
477 - Central Florida wet prairie and herbaceous seep
478 - South Florida pine rockland
479 - Pacific Islands palm forest
480 - Hawai'i introduced wetland vegetation
481 - Caribbean Pterocarpus swamp
482 - South Florida dwarf cypress savanna
483 - Southern Vancouverian lowland ruderal grassland & shrubland
484 - Tamaulipan Saline Thornscrub
485 - Hawai'i introduced evergreen shrubland
486 - Northern Atlantic coastal plain calcareous ravine
487 - Semi-desert coastal scrub shrubland
488 - Atlantic coastal plain northern bog
489 - Interior West ruderal riparian scrub
490 - West gulf coastal plain flatwoods pond grassland
491 - East gulf coastal plain depression pondshore
492 - Southeastern coastal plain interdunal wetland
493 - Temperate Pacific freshwater emergent marsh
494 - Inter-mountain basins alkaline closed depression
495 - Caribbean emergent wetlands
496 - Western larch savanna
497 - North Pacific maritime coastal sand dune ruderal scrub & herb vegetation
498 - Interior western North American temperate ruderal grassland & shrubland
499 - Tamaulipan depression woodland
500 - Shrub steppe of the Llano Estacado escarpment
501 - Yellow poplar ruderal swamp forest
502 - Cumberland sandstone glade and barrens
503 - Panhandle Florida limestone glade
504 - Laurentian-Acadian calcareous rocky outcrop
505 - Northern Appalachian-Acadian rocky heath outcrop
506 - Idaho fescue-California oatgrass grassland
507 - North-central interior quartzite glade
508 - Southern and Central Appalachian mafic glade and barrens
509 - Southern Ridge and Valley calcareous glade and woodland
511 - Use this one: Southeastern coastal plain natural lakeshore
512 - Texas-Louisiana coastal prairie pondshore
513 - Southwest Florida dune and coastal grassland
514 - Pacific coastal dunes grassland
516 - Great lakes dune
517 - Caribbean coastal beach systems
518 - Northern and Central plains ruderal grassland and shrubland
519 - Southeastern ruderal grassland
520 - Caribbean drought deciduous dense woodland
521 - Caribbean semi-deciduous and drought deciduous forest on alluvium
522 - Caribbean seasonal evergreen and semi-deciduous forest on karst
523 - Caribbean seasonal evergreen and evergreen forest
524 - Caribbean evergreen and seasonal evergreen forest on karst
525 - Caribbean evergreen forest on serpentine
526 - Caribbean seasonal evergreen forest with coconut palm
527 - Pacific Islands ravine forest
528 - Great Basin & Intermountain ruderal shrubland
529 - Great Basin & Intermountain Introduced Annual and Biennial Forbland
530 - Temperate Pacific subalpine-montane wet meadow
531 - Rocky Mountain alpine-montane wet meadow
532 - Western ruderal marsh or wet meadow
533 - California ruderal grassland meadow
534 - Pacific islands savanna
535 - Northwestern Great Plains canyon shrubland
538 - Pacific Islands limestone forest
540 - Mesquite scrub with invasive grasses
542 - Colorado Plateau pinyon-juniper shrubland
1201 - Corn field - post harvest
1202 - Cotton field - post harvest
1203 - Rice field - post harvest
1205 - Soybean field - post harvest
1206 - Corn field - growing season
1207 - Cotton field - growing season
1208 - Rice field - growing season
1209 - Soybean field - growing season
1223 - Wheat field - post harvest
1224 - Wheat field - growing season
1225 - Small grains (other) field - post harvest
1226 - Small grains (other) field - growing season
1227 - Sugarbeet field - growing season
1228 - Bean field - growing season
1229 - Potato field - growing season
1230 - Other crop fields - growing season
1231 - Sugarcane field - post harvest
1232 - Miscellaneous vegetable or fruit field - growing season
1241 - Sugarbeet field - post harvest
1242 - Bean field - post harvest
1243 - Potato field - post harvest
1244 - Other crop fields - post harvest
1245 - Sugarcane field - growing season
1247 - Miscellaneous vegetable or fruit field - post harvest
1252 - Lentil field - post harvest
1253 - Lentil field - growing season
1260 - Biofuel field - post harvest
1261 - Fallow field - growing season
1262 - Pasture or grass field - grazed or mown
1263 - Biofuel field - growing season
1264 - Pasture or grass field - ungrazed or unmown
1271 - Tree nut field - no inter-row groundcover
1272 - Tree nut field - with inter-row groundcover
1273 - Tree fruit field - no inter-row groundcover
1274 - Tree fruit field - with inter-row groundcover
1280 - Bluegrass or grass seed field - post harvest or mown
1281 - Pasture, hay, or alfalfa field - grazed or harvested
1282 - Bluegrass or grass seed field - unmown or unharvested
1283 - Pasture, hay, or alfalfa field - ungrazed or unharvested
1290 - Winter wheat and corn (double crop) field
1291 - Wheat and soybean (double crop) field
1292 - Other grain and corn (double crop) field
1293 - Lettuce and durum wheat (double crop) field
1294 - Lettuce and upland cotton (double crop) field
1295 - Wheat and sorghum (double crop) field
1296 - Wheat and cotton (double crop) field
1297 - Soybean and cotton (double crop) field
1298 - Soybean and other grain (double crop) field
1299 - Corn and soybean (double crop) field
Area Report
Pick a Unit
Alabama Hills National Scenic Area
Avi Kwa Ame
Basin and Range
Bears Ears
Beaver Dam Wash - Designated Road Area
Beaver Dam Wash
Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument
Black Mountain Pistones
Black Rock Desert High Rock Canyon
Browns Canyon National Monument
California Coastal National Monument
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
Dominguez Escalante National Conservation Area
El Malpais National Conservation Area
Fort Ord National Monument
Fort Stanton - Snowy River National Conservation Area
Gold Butte
Grand Staircase-Escalante
Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area
Headwaters Forest Reserve
John Wesley Powell
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area
Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
King Range National Conservation Area
McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area
Mojave Trails National Monument
Numunaa Nobe
Organ Mountains - Desert Peaks National Monument
Piedras Blancas Outstanding Natural Area
Pompeys Pillar National Monument
Prehistoric Trackways National Monument
Río Grande del Norte National Monument
Red Cliffs
Red Rock Canyon
San Juan Islands National Monument
Sand to Snow National Monument
Santa Rosa-San Jacinto Mountains National Monument
Sloan Canyon
Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area
Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area
Loading (tons/acre)
Very dirty
Fuel Moisture
Moisture Level
Very Dry
Very Wet
10-hour (%)
1000-hour (%)
Duff (%)
Litter (%)
Duff: percent available for consumption (%)
Sound coarse woody debris: percent available for consumption (%)
Rotten coarse woody debris: percent available for consumption (%)
Days Since Rain
Source of 1000-hour Fuel Moisture
Use Defaults
Shrub consumption (%)
Pile consumption (%)
Canopy consumption (%)
Number of Days
1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
Combustion Phase
Time (Fire Time Zone)
Percent Consumption
Shift 1 Hour Earlier
Shift 1 Hour Later
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BlueSky Playground Bug Report
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